ANHANG II VO (EU) 2016/2148
Liste der in Artikel 4 genannten zuständigen nationalen Behörden
FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie (FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy) Algemene Directie Economische Analyses en Internationale Economie Dienst Vergunningen Vooruitgangstraat 50 1210 Brussel Tel: + 32 22776713 Fax + 32 22775063 |
SPF Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Énergie (FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy) Direction générale des Analyses économiques et de l'Economie internationale Service Licences Rue du Progrès 50 1210 Bruxelles Tél: + 32 22776713 Fax + 32 22775063 |
Министерство на икономиката и енергетиката Дирекция „Регистриране, лицензиране и контрол” ул. „Славянска” № 8 1052 София Тел.: +359 29407008/+359 29407673/+359 29407800 Факс: +359 29815041/+35929804710/+35929883654 Ministry of Economy and Energy 8, Slavyanska Str. Sofia 1052 Tel.: +359 29407008/+359 29407673/+359 29407800 Fax +359 29815041/+359 29804710/+359 29883654 |
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu (Ministry of Industry and Trade) Licenční správa Na Františku 32 110 15 Praha 1 Tel: +420 224907111 Fax +420 224212133 |
Erhvervs- og Vækstministeriet (Ministry of Business and Growth) Erhvervsstyrelsen Langelinie Allé 17 2100 København Tel.: +45 35291000 Fax +45 35291001 |
Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) [Federal Office of Economics and Export Control] Frankfurter Str. 29-35 65760 Eschborn Tel.: +49 6196908-0 Fax +49 6196908800 |
Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) Harju 11 15072 Tallinn Tel.: +372 6256400 Fax +372 6313660 |
An Roinn Post, Fiontar agus Nuálaíochta 23 Sráid Chill Dara Baile Átha Cliath 2D02 TD30 Tel.: +353 16312545 Fax +353 16312562 Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Licensing Unit Kildare Street IRL-Dublin 2 Tel.: +353 16312545 Fax +353 16312562 |
Υπουργείο Οικονομίας, Ανάπτυξης και Τουρισμού Γενική Διεύθυνση Διεθνούς Οικονομικής και Εμπορικής Πολιτικής Διεύθυνση Συντονισμού Εμπορίου και Εμπορικών Καθεστώτων Τμήμα Β' Ειδικών Καθεστώτων Εισαγωγών Κορνάρου 1 105 63 Αθήνα Τηλ. + 302103286041-43, 2103286223 Fax + 30 2103286094 Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism General Directorate for International Economic and Trade Policy, Directorate fοr Trade Coordination and Trade Regimes Unit B' Special Import Regimes 1 Kornarou Str. 10563 Athens Tel: +30 2103286041-43, 2103286223 Fax +30 2103286094 |
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) Dirección General de Comercio e Inversiones Paseo de la Castellana no 162 28046 Madrid Tel.: 34 91349 38 17, 3493874 Fax 34 913493831 E-Mail: |
Ministère de l'économie, de l'industrie et du numérique Direction générale des entreprises (DGE) Service de l'industrie (SI) Sous-direction de la chimie, des matériaux et des éco-industries (SDCME) Bureau des Matériaux 67 rue Barbès — BP 80001 94201 Ivry-sur-Seine Cedex Tel. +33 179843449 E-Mail: |
Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova Samostalni sektor za trgovinsku politiku i gospodarsku multilateralu Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8 HR-10000 Zagreb Tel. +385 1 6444626 Fax +385 1 6444601 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Directorate for Trade Policy and Economic Multilateral Affairs Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8 HR-10000 Zagreb Tel. +385 16444626 Fax +385 16444601 |
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Ministry of Economic Development) Direzione Generale per la Politica Commerciale Internazionale Divisione III — Accesso dei beni italiani nei mercati esteri e difesa commerciale delle imprese Viale Boston, 25 00144 Roma Tel.: + 39 659647517, 0659932450, 0659932436 Fax + 39 659932681, 0659932636 E-Mail: |
Κλάδος Έκδοσης Αδειών Εισαγωγής/Εξαγωγής Υπηρεσία Εμπορίου Υπουργείο Ενέργειας, Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και Τουρισμού Ανδρέα Αραούζου 6 1421 Λευκωσία Τηλ.: +357 22867100 Φαξ: +357 22375443 Imports/Exports Licensing Section Trade Service Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 6, Andrea Araouzou 1421 Nicosia Tel.: +357 22867100 Fax: +357 22375443 |
Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia) Kr.Valdemāra iela 3 Rīga, LV-1395 Tel. + 371 67016201 Fax + 371 67828121 |
Lietuvos Respublikos ūkio ministerija (Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania) Gedimino pr. 38/Vasario 16-osios g. 2 LT-01104 Vilnius Tel. +370 70664658, +37070664808 Fax +370 70664762 E-Mail: |
Ministère de l'Économie (Ministry of Economy) Office des licences 19-21, boulevard Royal 2449 Luxembourg Tél.: +352 226162 Fax +352 466138 E-Mail: |
Magyar Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési Hivatal (Hungarian Trade Licencing Office) Budapest Németvölgyi út 37-39. 1124 Tel. +36 14585514 Fax +36 14585832 E-Mail: |
Ministeru għall-Ekonomija, Investiment u Intrapriżi Żghar Dipartiment tal-Kummerċ, Xatt Lascaris Valletta VLT1933 Tel. +356 25690214 Fax +356 21237112 E-Mail: |
Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business Commerce Department, Trade Services Directorate Lascaris Valletta VLT1933 Tel. +35625690214 Fax +356 21237112 E-Mail: |
Belastingdienst/Douane (Customs Administration) centrale dienst voor in- en uitvoer Postbus 3070 6401 DN Heerlen Tel.: +31 881512122 Fax +31 881513182 |
Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy) Abteilung C2/9 — Außenwirtschaftskontrolle Stubenring 1 1010 Wien Tel: + 43 1711008353 Fax + 43 1711008366 |
Ministerstwo Rozwoju (Ministry of Economic Development) Pl.Trzech Krzyży 3/5 PL-00-507 Warszawa Tel. +48 226935553 Fax +48 226934021 |
Ministério das Finanças (Ministry of Finance) AT- Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira DSL — Direcção de Serviços de Licenciamento Rua da Alfândega no 5 R/C P-1149-006 Lisboa Tel.: +351 1218813843 Fax +351 1218813986 E-Mail: |
Ministerul Economiei (Ministry of Economy) Comerțului și Mediului de Afaceri Direcția Politici Comerciale Calea Victoriei, nr.152, sector 1 010096 București Tel: +40 213150081 Fax +40 213150454 E-Mail: |
Ministrstvo za finance (Ministry of Finance) Finančna uprava Republike Slovenije Spodnji Plavž 6c SI-4270 Jesenice Tel: +386 42027583 Fax +386 42024969 E-Mail: |
Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR (Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic) Odbor výkonu obchodných opatrení Mierová 19 827 15 Bratislava Tel. +421 248547019 Fax +421 243423915 E-Mail: |
Tulli (Finnish Customs) PL 512 FI-00101 Helsinki Tel. +358 2955200 E-Mail: |
Tullen (Finnish Customs) PB 512 FI-00101 Helsingfors Tel: +358 2955200 E-Mail: |
Kommerskollegium (National Board of Trade) Box 6803 SE-113 86 Stockholm Tel.: +46 86904800 Fax +46 8306759 E-Mail: |
Department for International Trade 1 Victoria Street London SW1H OET E-Mail: |
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