Anlage C VO (EG) 2007/416

Legend for Occurrence (Occ.):

Mandatory (M)

Conditional (C)

No Tag (Group headers and closers are boldly printed) Description Occ. Rule
<RIS_Message> Notice to Skippers
1s Identification section M 1
1.1 <internal_id>xs:string (64) Internal ID C
1.2 xs:string (64) Sender (System) of the message M
1.3 xs:string (64) Originator (initiator) of the information in this message M
1.4 <country_code>nts:country_code_enum Country where message is valid M
1.5 <language_code>nts:language_code_enum Original language used in the textual info. (contents) M
1.6 xs:string (64) District / Region within the specified country, where the message is applicable C
1.7 <date_issue>xs:dateTime<date_issue> Date and time of publication including time zone (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm) M
2s Fairway and traffic related section C 1
2.1 <internal_id>xs:string (64) Internal ID C
2.2s <nts_number> NtS Number M
2.2.1 xs:string (64) Name of the publishing organisation (NtS Provider) M
2.2.2 xs:gYear (1900-9999) Year of first issuing of the notice M
2.2.3 xs:integer (0-99999999) Number of the notice (per year, starting with: 1, 0 shall not be used for published notices) M
2.2.4 <serial_number>xs:integer (0-99) Serial number of notice (replacements and withdrawals), original notice: 0 M
2.3s <target_group> Target group information C
2.3.1 <target_group_code>nts:target_group_code_enum Target group (vessel type) for this message M 5
2.3.2 <direction_code>nts:direction_code_enum Upstream or downstream traffic, or both M 5
2.4 <subject_code>nts:subject_code_enum Subject code M
2.5s <validity_period> Overall period of validity M
2.5.1 <date_start>xs:date Start date of validity period including time zone (yyyy-mm-dd+hh:mm) M
2.5.2 <date_end>xs:date End date of validity period including time zone (yyyy-mm-dd+hh:mm) C
2.6 xs:string (500) Additional information in local language C
2.7 xs:string (64) Notice source (name of authority) C
2.8 <reason_code>nts:reason_code_enum Reason / justification of notice C
2.9s Communication channel information C
2.9.1 <reporting_code>nts:reporting_code_enum Reporting regime (information or duty to report) M 5
2.9.2 <communication_code>nts:communication_code_enum Communication code (telephone, VHF etc.) M 5
2.9.3 xs:string (128) Telephone, VHF number (including callsign), e-mail address, URL or teletext C
2.9.4 Name of the attachment or additional information C
2.9.5 xs:string (1024) Additional remarks concerning the communication C
2.10s <fairway_section> Fairway section, also available for objects (no 2.11) C 2
2.10.1s <geo_object> Geo information of fairway M 5 nts:isrs_code_type

ISRS Location Code of the fairway section (2x)


M 7 xs:string (256) Local name of the fairway section (f.e.: Rhine between bridge A and bridge B) M <type_code>nts:type_code_enum Type of geographical object (default=FWY) M <position_code>nts:position_code_enum Describes the position related to the fairway C Fairway section begin and end coordinates (2x) C 7 xs:string (10-12) [d]d mm.mmm[m] N M 5 xs:string (10-13) [d][d]d mm.mmm[m] E M 5 <fairway_name>xs:string (256) Waterway name (usefull if no RIS Index is available). C
2.10.2s Fairway section limitations C <limitation_period> Limitation periods / intervals (All limitations have to include a limitation period with an interval code in order to allow proper calculations within voyage planning applications) C <date_start>xs:date

Start date of limitation period (overall) INCLUDING time zone


M 5 <date_end>xs:date

End date of limitation period INCLUDING time zone


C <time_start>xs:time

Start time of limitation period WITHOUT time zone

format=hh:mm:ss [whereas ss=00]

C <time_end>xs:time

End time of limitation period WITHOUT time zone

format=hh:mm:ss [whereas ss=00]

C <interval_code>nts:interval_code_enum Interval for limitation (mandatory M(5) but is set to C to be compatible with former XSD version) C <limitation_code>nts:limitation_code_enum Kind of limitation M 5 <position_code>nts:position_code_enum Describes the position of the limitation related to the fairway C xs:float Value of limitation (i.e. max draught) C nts:unit_enum Unit of the value of the limitation C <reference_code>nts:reference_code_enum Value reference C <indication_code>nts:indication_code_enum Minimum or maximum or reduced by C <target_group> Target group information C <target_group_code>nts:target_group_code_enum Target group (vessel type) for this limitation M 5 <direction_code>nts:direction_code_enum Upstream or downstream traffic, or both M 5
2.11s Object section C 2
2.11.1s <geo_object> Geo Information of object M 5 nts:isrs_code_type

ISRS Location Code of the object (1x)


M 8 xs:string (256) Local name of the aggregated object M <type_code>nts:type_code_enum Type of geographical object M <position_code>nts:position_code_enum Describes the position related to the object C Object coordinates (1x) C 8 xs:string (10-12) [d]d mm.mmm[m] N M 5 xs:string (10-13) [d][d]d mm.mmm[m] E M 5 <fairway_name>xs:string (256) Waterway name (usefull if no RIS Index is available). C
2.11.2s Object limitation section C <limitation_period> Limitation periods / intervals (All limitations have to include a limitation period with an interval code in order to allow proper calculations within voyage planning applications) C <date_start>xs:date

Start date of limitation period (overall) INCLUDING time zone


M 5 <date_end>xs:date

End date of limitation period INCLUDING time zone


C <time_start>xs:time

Start time of limitation period WITHOUT time zone

format=hh:mm:ss [whereas ss=00]

C <time_end>xs:time

End time of limitation period WITHOUT time zone

format=hh:mm:ss [whereas ss=00]

C <interval_code>nts:interval_code_enum Interval for limitation (mandatory M(5) but is set to C to be compatible with former XSD version) C <limitation_code>nts:limitation_code_enum Kind of limitation M 5 <position_code>nts:position_code_enum Describes the position of the limitation related to the fairway C xs:float Value of limitation (i.e. max draught) C nts:unit_enum Unit of the value of the limitation C <reference_code>nts:reference_code_enum Value reference C <indication_code>nts:indication_code_enum Minimum or maximum or reduced by C <target_group> Target group information C <target_group_code>nts:target_group_code_enum Target group (vessel type) for this limitation M 5 <direction_code>nts:direction_code_enum Upstream or downstream traffic, or both M 5
3s Water related section C 1
3.1 <internal_id>xs:string (64) Internal ID C
3.2s <nts_number> NtS Number C
3.2.1 xs:string (64) Name of the publishing organisation (NtS Provider) M 5
3.2.2 xs:gYear (1900-9999) Current year of the notice M 5
3.2.3 xs:integer (0-99999999)

Number of the notice

(see Developers Guide for WRM-Message Number generation)

M 5
3.2.4 <serial_number>xs:integer (0-99)

Serial number of the notice

(see Developers Guide for WRM-Message Serial Number generation)

M 5
3.3s <validity_period> Overall period of validity M
3.3.1 <date_start>xs:date Start date of validity period including time zone (yyyy-mm-dd+hh:mm) M
3.3.2 <date_end>xs:date End date of validity period including time zone (yyyy-mm-dd+hh:mm) C
3.4s <geo_object> Geo Information of measurement location M 5
3.4.1 nts:isrs_code_type

ISRS Location Code of the object/fairway (1x or 2x)


M 9
3.4.2 xs:string (256) Local name of the object/fairway M
3.4.3 <type_code>nts:type_code_enum Type of geographical object/fairway M
3.4.4 <position_code>nts:position_code_enum Describes the position related to the object/fairway C
3.4.5s Object/Fairway coordinates (1x or 2x) C 9 xs:string (10-12) [d]d mm.mmm[m] N M 5 xs:string (10-13) [d][d]d mm.mmm[m] E M 5
3.3.6 <fairway_name>xs:string (256) Waterway name (usefull if no RIS Index is available). C
3.5 <reference_code>nts:reference_code_enum Value reference (measurement reference) C 6
3.6s Measurements (normal or predicted values) M 5
3.6.1 xs:boolean Predicted measurement (1 or true) or real measurement (0 or false) M
3.6.2 <measure_code>nts:measure_code_enum Kind of water related information M
3.6.3 xs:float Measured or predicted value C 10
3.6.4 <value_min>xs:float Lowest value of confidence interval C
3.6.5 <value_max>xs:float Highest value of confidence interval C
3.6.6 nts:unit_enum Unit of the water related value C
3.6.7 <barrage_code>nts:barrage_code_enum Barrage status C 11
3.6.8 <regime_code>nts:regime_code_enum Regime applicable C 12
3.6.9 xs:dateTime

Date and Time of measurement or predicted value including time zone


3.6.10s Difference with comparative value C <value_difference>xs:float Difference with comparative value M 5 <time_difference>xs:duration Time difference to measuredate of comparative value M 5
4s Ice related section C 1
4.1 <internal_id>xs:string (64) Internal ID C
4.2s <nts_number> NtS Number M
4.2.1 xs:string (64) Name of the publishing organisation (NtS Provider) M
4.2.2 xs:gYear (1900-9999) Current year of the notice M
4.2.3 xs:integer (0-99999999) Number of the notice (per year, starting with: 1, 0 shall not be used for published notices) M
4.2.4 <serial_number>xs:integer (0-99) Serial number of notice, original notice: 0 M
4.3s <validity_period> Overall period of validity M
4.3.1 <date_start>xs:date Start date of validity period including time zone (yyyy-mm-dd+hh:mm) M
4.3.2 <date_end>xs:date End date of validity period including time zone (yyyy-mm-dd+hh:mm) C
4.4s <fairway_section> Fairway section — the limitation inside the fairway section cannot be used in the ICEM M 5
4.4.1s <geo_object> Geo Information of fairway M 5 nts:isrs_code_type

ISRS Location Code of the fairway section (2x)


M xs:string (256) Local Name of the fairway section (f.e.: Rhine between bridge A and bridge B) M <type_code>nts:type_code_enum Type of geographical object (default=FWY) M <position_code>nts:position_code_enum Describes the position related to the fairway C Fairway section begin and end coordinates (2x) C 7 xs:string (10-12) [d]d mm.mmm[m] N M 5 xs:string (10-13) [d][d]d mm.mmm[m] E M 5 <fairway_name>xs:string (256) Waterway name (usefull if no RIS Index is available). C
4.5s <ice_condition> Ice conditions M
4.5.1 xs:dateTime

Date and Time of measurement or prediction including time zone


4.5.2 <ice_condition_code>nts:ice_condition_code_enum Condition code C 4
4.5.3 <ice_accessibility_code>nts:ice_accessibility_code_enum Accessibility code C 4
4.5.4 <ice_classification_code>nts:ice_classification_code_enum Classification code C 4
4.5.5 <ice_situation_code>nts:ice_situation_code_enum Situation code C 4
5s Weather related section C 1
5.1 <internal_id>xs:string (64) Internal ID C
5.2s <nts_number> NtS Number C
5.2.1 xs:string (64) Name of the publishing organisation (NtS Provider) M 5
5.2.2 xs:gYear (1900-9999) Year of issuing of the notice M 5
5.2.3 xs:integer (0-99999999) Number of the notice (per year, starting with: 1, 0 shall not be used for published notices) M 5
5.2.4 <serial_number>xs:integer (0-99) Serial number of notice, original notice: 0 M 5
5.3s <validity_period> Overall period of validity M 13
5.3.1 <date_start>xs:date Start date of validity period including time zone (yyyy-mm-dd+hh:mm) M
5.3.2 <date_end>xs:date End date of validity period including time zone (yyyy-mm-dd+hh:mm) C
5.4s <fairway_section> Fairway section M
5.4.1s <geo_object> Geo Information of fairway M nts:isrs_code_type

ISRS Location Code of the fairway section (2x)


M 7 xs:string (256) Local name of the fairway section (f.e.: Rhine between bridge A and bridge B) M <type_code>nts:type_code_enum Type of geographical object (default=FWY) M <position_code>nts:position_code_enum Describes the position related to the fairway C Fairway section begin and end coordinates (2x) C 7 xs:string (10-12) [d]d mm.mmm[m] N M 5 xs:string (10-13) [d][d]d mm.mmm[m] E M 5 <fairway_name>xs:string (256) Waterway name (usefull if no RIS Index is available). C
5.5s <weather_report> Weather Report (1x or 2x) M
5.5.1 xs:dateTime

Date and Time of measurement or predicted value including time zone


5.5.2 xs:boolean Forecast (true or 1) OR Actual report (false or 0) M
5.5.3 <weather_class_code>nts:weather_class_code_enum Classification of weather report (0..Nx) M 3
5.5.4s <weather_item> Weather items (0..Nx) C <weather_item_code>nts:weather_item_code_enum Weather item type (Wind, Wave etc) M 5 <value_min>xs:float Actual or Minimum value M 5 <value_max>xs:float Maximum value C <value_gusts>xs:float Gusts value (Wind) C nts:unit_enum Unit of the value C <weather_category_code>nts:weather_category_code_enum Classification of wind report C <direction_code_min>nts:weather_direction_code_enum Direction of wind or wave C <direction_code_max>nts:weather_direction_code_enum Direction of wind or wave C
Rules applicable to table "NtS XSD V.":

In one at least two sections have to be filled in:

    the section (1),

    one of the following sections:

    (fairway and traffic related messages) (2),

    (water related message) (3),

    (ice message) (4),

    (weather related message) (5).

2.At least one of the Group 2.10 () or Group 2.11 () has to be given within .
3.A combinations of <weather_class_code> tags (5.5.3) in section <weather_report> can be given.
4.In group 4.5 () at least one of the conditional elements 4.5.2 to 4.5.5 have to be given.
5.If a conditional group contains mandatory subgroups or elements these will only be mandatory if the group on the higher level is applied.
6.Element <reference_code> is only mandatory for "WAL" (water level) in (3.5).

A <geo_object> in ( 2.10.1 , 4.4.1, 5.4.1) is defined by the begin and end

ISRS Location Codes and coordinates (2 ISRS Location Codes and 2 sets of coordinates).

8.A <geo_object> in section ( 2.11.1) is defined by the ISRS Location Code and coordinates of its center point (1 ISRS Location Code 1 set of coordinates).
9.A <geo_object> in has 2 ISRS Location Codes and 2 sets of coordinates in case the <type_code> (3.4.3) is "FWY", "RIV" or "CAN", otherwise only 1 ISRS Location Code and 1 set of coordinates has to be given.

If there is a measurement the elements (3.6.3) or <value_min> (3.6.4) and <value_max> (3.6.5) is/are mandatory if <measure_code> (3.6.2) is either "DIS", "VER", "LSD" or "WAL".

In case there is no measurement (and a message should be sent anyhow) the value elements shall be omitted.

11.Element <barrage_code> (3.6.7) is mandatory if (3.6.2) is "BAR".
12.Element <regime_code> (3.6.8) is mandatory if (3.6.2) is "REG".
13.Predictions for more than one <validity_period> (5.3) require individual messages.
14.In case of (4.4.2) and a section is not applicable. Limitations shall be provided via FTM notices.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:nts="" xmlns:xs="" targetNamespace=">" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="">



    = definition of main element RIS_Message =

    = and corresponding type RIS_Message_Type =



    <xs:element name="RIS_Message" type="nts:RIS_Message_Type">


        <xs:documentation>River Information Service Message

    <xs:complexType name="RIS_Message_Type">


        <xs:element name="identification" type="nts:identification_type">


            <xs:documentation>Identification section



            <xs:documentation>One msg contains one of these sections

          <xs:element name="ftm" type="nts:ftm_type" maxOccurs="unbounded">


              <xs:documentation>Fairway and traffic related section

          <xs:element name="wrm" type="nts:wrm_type" maxOccurs="unbounded">


              <xs:documentation>Water related section

          <xs:element name="icem" type="nts:icem_type" maxOccurs="unbounded">


              <xs:documentation>Ice related section

          <xs:element name="werm" type="nts:werm_type" maxOccurs="unbounded">


              <xs:documentation>Weather related section



    = definition of identification_type, =

    = used in definition of RIS_Message_Type =



    <xs:complexType name="identification_type">


        <xs:element name="internal_id" type="nts:internal_id_type" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Internal ID

        <xs:element name="from">


            <xs:documentation>Sender (System) of the message


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="64"/>

        <xs:element name="originator">


            <xs:documentation>Originator (initiator) of the information in this message


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="64"/>

        <xs:element name="country_code" type="nts:country_code_enum">


            <xs:documentation>Country where message is valid

        <xs:element name="language_code" type="nts:language_code_enum">


            <xs:documentation>Original language used in the textual info. (contents)

        <xs:element name="district" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>District / Region within the specified country, where the message is applicable


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="64"/>

        <xs:element name="date_issue" type="xs:dateTime">


            <xs:documentation>Date and time of publication including time zone



    = types used in definition of identification_type =



    <xs:simpleType name="country_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="2"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CH"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CZ"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ES"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="GB"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="GR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="IE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="IT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MD"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ME"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="UA"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="language_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="2"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ES"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ET"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="IT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SL"/>



    = definition of ftm_type, =

    = used in definition of RIS_Message_Type =



    <xs:complexType name="ftm_type">


        <xs:element name="internal_id" type="nts:internal_id_type" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Internal ID

        <xs:element name="nts_number" type="nts:nts_number_type">


            <xs:documentation>NtS Number

        <xs:element name="target_group" type="nts:target_group_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Target group information

        <xs:element name="subject_code" type="nts:subject_code_enum">


            <xs:documentation>Subject code must contain one of the following: Announcement (ANNOUN), Warning (WARNIN), Notice withdrawn (CANCEL) or Information service (INFSER). More information on the use of codes can be found in the NtS Encoding Guide.

        <xs:element name="validity_period" type="nts:validity_period_type">


            <xs:documentation>Overall period of validity

        <xs:element name="contents" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Additional information in local language


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="500"/>

        <xs:element name="source" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Notice source (name of authority)


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="64"/>

        <xs:element name="reason_code" type="nts:reason_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Reason / justification of the notice

        <xs:element name="communication" type="nts:communication_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Communication channel information

        <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">

          <xs:element name="fairway_section" type="nts:fairway_section_type">


              <xs:documentation>Fairway section

          <xs:element name="object" type="nts:object_type">


              <xs:documentation>Object section



    = types used in definition of ftm_type =



    <xs:simpleType name="subject_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:minLength value="3"/>

        <xs:maxLength value="6"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ANNOUN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WARNIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CANCEL"/>

        <!-- the following values are added due to CR 128 -->

        <xs:enumeration value="INFSER"/>

        <!-- obsolete values due to CR 128 but still valid for backwards compatibility -->

        <xs:enumeration value="OBSTRU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PAROBS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DELAY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VESLEN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VESHEI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VESBRE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VESDRA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AVALEN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CLEHEI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CLEWID"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AVADEP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NOMOOR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SERVIC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NOSERV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SPEED"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WAVWAS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PASSIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ANCHOR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OVRTAK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MINPWR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DREDGE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WORK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EVENT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CHGMAR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CHGSER"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SPCMAR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EXERC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LEADEP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LEVDEC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LEVRIS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LIMITA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MISECH"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ECDISU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NEWOBJ"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CHWWY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CONWWY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DIVER"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SPECTR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LOCRUL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VHFCOV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HIGVOL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TURNIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CONBRE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CONLEN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="REMOBJ"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="reason_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:minLength value="3"/>

        <xs:maxLength value="6"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EVENT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WORK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DREDGE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EXERC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HIGWAT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HIWAI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HIWAII"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LOWWAT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SHALLO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CALAMI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LAUNCH"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DECLEV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FLOMEA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BLDWRK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="REPAIR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="INSPEC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FIRWRK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LIMITA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CHGFWY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CONSTR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DIVING"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SPECTR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EXT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SOUND"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="STRIKE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FLOMAT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EXPLOS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ICE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OBSTAC"/>

        <!--the following values are added due to CR 128-->

        <xs:enumeration value="CHGMAR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DAMMAR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FALMAT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MISECH"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HEARIS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HIGVOL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ECDISU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LOCRUL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NEWOBJ"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OBUNWA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VHFCOV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="REMOBJ"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LEVRIS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SPCMAR"/>

        <!--the following value is added due to CR 155-->

        <xs:enumeration value="WERMCO"/>

        <!--obsolete values due to CR 128 but still valid for backwards compatibility -->

        <xs:enumeration value="INFSER"/>

    <xs:complexType name="communication_type">


        <xs:element name="reporting_code" type="nts:reporting_code_enum">


            <xs:documentation>Reporting regime (information, or duty to report)

        <xs:element name="communication_code" type="nts:communication_code_enum">


            <xs:documentation>Communication code (telephone, VHF etc.)

        <xs:element name="number" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Telephone, VHF number (including callsign), e-mail address, URL or teletext


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="128"/>

        <xs:element name="label" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Name of the attachment or additional information


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="256"/>

        <xs:element name="remark" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Additional remarks concerning the communication


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="1024"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="reporting_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="INF"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ADD"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="REG"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="communication_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EM"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AH"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FX"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EI"/>

    <xs:complexType name="object_type">


        <xs:element name="geo_object" type="nts:geo_object_type">


            <xs:documentation>Geo Information of object

        <xs:element name="limitation" type="nts:limitation_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Object limitation section



    = definition of wrm_type, =

    = used in definition of RIS_Message_Type =



    <xs:complexType name="wrm_type">


        <xs:element name="internal_id" type="nts:internal_id_type" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Internal ID

        <xs:element name="nts_number" type="nts:nts_number_type" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>NtS Number

        <xs:element name="validity_period" type="nts:validity_period_type">


            <xs:documentation>Overall period of validity

        <xs:element name="geo_object" type="nts:geo_object_type">


            <xs:documentation>Object section

        <xs:element name="reference_code" type="nts:reference_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Value reference (measurement reference)

        <xs:element name="measure" type="nts:measure_type" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Measurements (normal or predicted values)



    = types used in definition of wrm_type =



    <xs:complexType name="measure_type">


        <xs:element name="predicted" type="xs:boolean">


            <xs:documentation>Predicted measurement (1 or true) or real measurement (0 or false)

        <xs:element name="measure_code" type="nts:measure_code_enum">


            <xs:documentation>Kind of water related information

        <xs:element name="value" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Measured or predicted value

        <xs:element name="value_min" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Lowest value of confidence interval

        <xs:element name="value_max" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Highest value of confidence interval

        <xs:element name="unit" type="nts:unit_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Unit of the water related value

        <xs:element name="barrage_code" type="nts:barrage_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Barrage status

        <xs:element name="regime_code" type="nts:regime_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Regime applicable

        <xs:element name="measuredate" type="xs:dateTime">


            <xs:documentation>Date and Time of measurement or predicted value including time zone

        <xs:element name="difference" type="nts:difference_type" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Difference with comparative value

    <xs:simpleType name="measure_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DIS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="REG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BAR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VER"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LSD"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WAL"/>

        <!-- obsolete values due to CR 151 but still valid for backwards compatibility -->

        <xs:enumeration value="NOM"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="barrage_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CLD"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OPG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CLG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OPD"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OPN"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="regime_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="2"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="II"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="I"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LO"/>

    <xs:complexType name="difference_type">


        <xs:element name="value_difference" type="xs:float">


            <xs:documentation>Difference with comparative value

        <xs:element name="time_difference" type="xs:duration">


            <xs:documentation>Time difference with measuredata of comparative measurement



    = definition of icem_type, =

    = used in definition of RIS_Message_Type =



    <xs:complexType name="icem_type">


        <xs:element name="internal_id" type="nts:internal_id_type" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Internal ID

        <xs:element name="nts_number" type="nts:nts_number_type">


            <xs:documentation>NtS Number

        <xs:element name="validity_period" type="nts:validity_period_type">


            <xs:documentation>Overall period of validity

        <xs:element name="fairway_section" type="nts:fairway_section_type">


            <xs:documentation>Fairway section — the limitation inside the fairway section cannot be used in the ICEM

        <xs:element name="ice_condition" type="nts:ice_condition_type" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Ice conditions



    = types used in definition of icem_type =



    <xs:complexType name="ice_condition_type">


        <xs:element name="measuredate" type="xs:dateTime">


            <xs:documentation>Date and Time of measurement or prediction including time zone

        <xs:element name="ice_condition_code" type="nts:ice_condition_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Condition code

        <xs:element name="ice_accessibility_code" type="nts:ice_accessibility_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Accessibility code

        <xs:element name="ice_classification_code" type="nts:ice_classification_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Classification code

        <xs:element name="ice_situation_code" type="nts:ice_situation_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Situation code

    <xs:simpleType name="ice_condition_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="1"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="A"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="B"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="C"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="D"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="E"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="F"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="G"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="H"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="K"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="L"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="M"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="P"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="R"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="S"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="U"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="O"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="V"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="ice_accessibility_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="1"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="A"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="B"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="F"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="L"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="C"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="D"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="E"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="G"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="H"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="M"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="K"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="T"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="P"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="V"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="X"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="ice_classification_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="1"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="A"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="B"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="C"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="D"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="E"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="ice_situation_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NOL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LIM"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NON"/>



    = definition of werm_type, =

    = used in definition of RIS_Message_Type =



    <xs:complexType name="werm_type">


        <xs:element name="internal_id" type="nts:internal_id_type" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Internal ID

        <xs:element name="nts_number" type="nts:nts_number_type" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>NtS Number

        <xs:element name="validity_period" type="nts:validity_period_type">


            <xs:documentation>Overall period of validity

        <xs:element name="fairway_section" type="nts:fairway_section_werm_type">


            <xs:documentation>Fairway section

        <xs:element name="weather_report" type="nts:weather_report_type" maxOccurs="2">


            <xs:documentation>Actual or Forecast report sections



    = types used in definition of werm_type =



    <xs:complexType name="fairway_section_werm_type">


        <xs:element name="geo_object" type="nts:geo_object_type">


            <xs:documentation>Geo Information of fairway

    <xs:complexType name="weather_report_type">


        <xs:element name="measuredate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Date and time of measurement or predicted value including time zone

        <xs:element name="forecast" type="xs:boolean">


            <xs:documentation>Forecast (true or 1) OR Actual report (false or 0)

        <xs:element name="weather_class_code" type="nts:weather_class_code_enum" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Classification of weather report

        <xs:element name="weather_item" type="nts:weather_item_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Weather items

    <xs:simpleType name="weather_class_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="6"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CLR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CLDY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OCST"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DZZL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RAIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LRAIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ORAIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HRAIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SLEET"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SNOW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SNFALL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HAIL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SHWRS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="THSTRM"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HAZY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FOG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FOGPAT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="GALE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="STRM"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HURRC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FZRA"/>

    <xs:complexType name="weather_item_type">


        <xs:element name="weather_item_code" type="nts:weather_item_code_enum">


            <xs:documentation>Weather item type (Wind, Wave etc)

        <xs:element name="value_min" type="xs:float">


            <xs:documentation>Actual or Minimum value

        <xs:element name="value_max" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Maximum value

        <xs:element name="value_gusts" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Gusts value (Wind)

        <xs:element name="unit" type="nts:unit_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Unit of the value

        <xs:element name="weather_category_code" type="nts:weather_category_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Classification of wind report

        <xs:element name="direction_code_min" type="nts:weather_direction_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Direction of wind or wave

        <xs:element name="direction_code_max" type="nts:weather_direction_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Direction of wind or wave

    <xs:simpleType name="weather_item_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="2"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WT"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="weather_category_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="2"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="0"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="1"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="2"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="4"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="5"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="6"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="7"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="8"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="9"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="10"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="11"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="12"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="13"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="14"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="15"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="16"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="17"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="18"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="19"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="20"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="21"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="22"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="weather_direction_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="N"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="E"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="S"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="W"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WRB"/>



    = types used in several definitions =



    <xs:simpleType name="internal_id_type">


        <xs:documentation>Internal ID — best practice: global unique identifier

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="64"/>

    <xs:complexType name="nts_number_type">


        <xs:element name="organisation">


            <xs:documentation>Name of the publishing organisation (NtS Provider)


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="64"/>

        <xs:element name="year">


            <xs:documentation>Year of first issuing of the notice


            <xs:restriction base="xs:gYear">

              <xs:minInclusive value="1900"/>

              <xs:maxInclusive value="9999"/>

        <xs:element name="number">


            <xs:documentation>Number of the notice (per year, starting with: 1, 0 shall not be used for published notices)


            <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">

              <xs:minInclusive value="00000000"/>

              <xs:maxInclusive value="99999999"/>

        <xs:element name="serial_number">


            <xs:documentation>Serial number of notice (replacements and withdrawals), original notice: 0


            <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">

              <xs:minInclusive value="00"/>

              <xs:maxInclusive value="99"/>

    <xs:complexType name="validity_period_type">


        <xs:element name="date_start" type="xs:date">


            <xs:documentation>Start date of validity period including time zone

        <xs:element name="date_end" type="xs:date" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>End date of validity period including time zone

    <xs:complexType name="fairway_section_type">


        <xs:element name="geo_object" type="nts:geo_object_type">


            <xs:documentation>Geo information of fairway

        <xs:element name="limitation" type="nts:limitation_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Fairway section limitations

    <xs:complexType name="geo_object_type">


        <xs:element name="id" type="nts:isrs_code_type" maxOccurs="2">


            <xs:documentation>ISRS Location Code of the fairway/object

        <xs:element name="name">


            <xs:documentation>Local name of the fairway section


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="256"/>

        <xs:element name="type_code" type="nts:type_code_enum" default="FWY">


            <xs:documentation>Type of geographical object

        <xs:element name="position_code" type="nts:position_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Describes the position related to the fairway

        <xs:element name="coordinate" type="nts:coordinate_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">


            <xs:documentation>Fairway section begin and end coordinates

        <xs:element name="fairway_name" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Waterway name (usefull if no RIS Index is available)


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:maxLength value="256"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="isrs_code_type">


        <xs:documentation>ISRS location code, unique identification of the geo object as defined in RIS Index encoding guide

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:length value="20"/>

        <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2}[A-Z]{3}[A-Z0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{5}[0-9]{5}" />

    <xs:simpleType name="type_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RIV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CAN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LAK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FWY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LCK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BRI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RMP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BAR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BNK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="GAU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BUO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BEA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ANC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BER"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MOO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TER"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HAR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FDO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CAB"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FER"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PIP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PPO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HFA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HMO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SHY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="REF"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MAR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LIG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SIG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TUR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CBR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TUN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BCO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="REP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FLO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SLI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DUK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VTC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RES"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LKB"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BRO"/>

        <!--the following value is added due to CR 157-->

        <xs:enumeration value="BNS"/>

    <xs:complexType name="coordinate_type">


        <xs:element name="lat">


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:minLength value="10"/>

              <xs:maxLength value="12"/>

        <xs:element name="long">


            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

              <xs:minLength value="10"/>

              <xs:maxLength value="13"/>

    <xs:complexType name="limitation_type">


        <xs:element name="limitation_period" type="nts:limitation_period_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Limitation periods / intervals

        <xs:element name="limitation_code" type="nts:limitation_code_enum">


            <xs:documentation>Kind of limitation

        <xs:element name="position_code" type="nts:position_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Describes the position of the limitation related to the fairway

        <xs:element name="value" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Value of limitation (i.e. max draught)

        <xs:element name="unit" type="nts:unit_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Unit of the value of the limitation

        <xs:element name="reference_code" type="nts:reference_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Value reference

        <xs:element name="indication_code" type="nts:indication_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Minimum or maximum or reduced by

        <xs:element name="target_group" type="nts:target_group_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">


            <xs:documentation>Target group information

    <xs:complexType name="limitation_period_type">


        <xs:element name="date_start" type="xs:date">


            <xs:documentation>Start date of limitation period including time zone

        <xs:element name="date_end" type="xs:date" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>End date of limitation period including time zone

        <xs:element name="time_start" type="xs:time" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Start time of limitation period without time zone

        <xs:element name="time_end" type="xs:time" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>End time of limitation period without time zone

        <xs:element name="interval_code" type="nts:interval_code_enum" minOccurs="0">


            <xs:documentation>Interval for limitation if applicable

    <xs:simpleType name="interval_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CON"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DAY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WRK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WKN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SUN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MON"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TUE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WED"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="THU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FRI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SAT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DTI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NTI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RVI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EXC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WRD"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="limitation_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="6"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OBSTRU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PAROBS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DELAY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VESLEN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VESHEI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VESBRE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VESDRA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AVALEN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CLEHEI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CLEWID"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AVADEP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NOMOOR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SERVIC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NOSERV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SPEED"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WAVWAS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PASSIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ANCHOR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OVRTAK"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MINPWR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ALTER"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CAUTIO"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NOLIM"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TURNIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NOSHORE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CONBRE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CONLEN"/>

        <!-- the following value is added due to CR 128 -->

        <xs:enumeration value="LEADEP"/>

        <!-- the following value is added due to CR 148 -->

        <xs:enumeration value="NOBERT"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="position_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="2"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="AL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LB"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RB"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="N"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="E"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="S"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="W"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="BI"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SM"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="OL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="EW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="VA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RY"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="GY"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="reference_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="4"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NAP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="KP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="FZP"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ADR"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="TAW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PUL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NGM"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ETRS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="POT"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LDC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HDC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ZPG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="GLW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HSW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LNW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HNW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="IGN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WGS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="HBO"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="indication_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MAX"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MIN"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="RED"/>

    <xs:complexType name="target_group_type">


        <xs:element name="target_group_code" type="nts:target_group_code_enum" default="ALL">


            <xs:documentation>Target group (vessel type)

        <xs:element name="direction_code" type="nts:direction_code_enum" default="ALL">


            <xs:documentation>Upstream or downstream traffic, or both

    <xs:simpleType name="target_group_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ALL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CDG"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="COM"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PAX"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PLE"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CNV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="PUS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NNU"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="LOA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="SMA"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="CND"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="WOC"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="MOV"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="NMV"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="direction_code_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="3"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="ALL"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="UPS"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="DWN"/>

    <xs:simpleType name="unit_enum">

      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

        <xs:maxLength value="4"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="cm"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="m3/s"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="h"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="km/h"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="kW"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="m/s"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="mm/h"/>

        <xs:enumeration value="°C"/>

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